We stand with Maui and all the families affected by the devastating wildfires.
We continue to aid in the recovery and resilience efforts that our community needs.
This page was designed to equip Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander families with available resources to help them stay updated and supported during this difficult time.
If there are any resources to add or edit, please send an email to nhpi3r@papaolalokahi.org.
In-Language Resources
Immigrant Resource Center Multilingual Hotline - 1 (808) 518 - 6217
UPDATED HOURS - 10:30A-1:00P
Latest Events & Resources
Hoʻōla iā Mauiakama - Disaster Long Term Recovery Group
DOH Disability and Communication Access Board: Emergency Preparedness
Hawai'i Community Foundation - Maui Strong Funding Opportunities
Office of Economic Development - Accepting New Grant Applications
Lawyers for Lahaina - Free Legal Services for Businesses Impact by Maui Wildfires
Maui Long Term Recover Plan Meeting
Family Support Resources
Apply for WIC or visit a clinic close to you to see if you qualify
Families that already were receiving WIC prior the Maui wildfires, but had to relocate to a different island, can easily transfer their cases to the WIC clinic closest to them. If they lost their eWIC card, their WIC clinic can replace it.
A list of childcare options for families affected by the fires in Maui is now available. PATCH, the state’s designated Child Care Resource & Referral Agency, worked with licensed and registered providers to determine who is still operating and providing care. Call PATCH at (808) 961-3169.
Families experiencing unstable housing have rights under the McKinney-Vento Act to ensure their children continue uninterrupted access to education and services. Visit the Hawaiʻi Public Schools Website to learn more and enroll in school.
Mental Health Resources
Maui District Health Office - Community Mental Health Centers
Office of Wellness and Resilience
Maui Mental Health Response - Provider and Volunteer Form
Illuminate Wellness is offering free services: Mondays, Fridays, and Sundays
KIDS MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES (hawaii-can.org/maui_resources)
Parent Guidelines for Helping Children Impacted by Wildfires
Sesame Street Workshop: Traumatic Experience Resources
Explore free, bilingual resources on traumatic experiences that caring adults can use to help children cope and boost their emotional well-being.
Child Mind Institute: Helping Children Cope with Frightening News
Common Sense Media: Explaining the News to Our Kids | Common Sense Media
Zero to Three: Helping Young Children Cope After Exposure to a Traumatic Event
American Academy of Pediatrics: Talking With Children About Tragedies & Other News Events
Zero to Three: Books to Help Little Children Handle Big Emotions
HCAN's "Talking with children about violence and traumatic events" Resource Page
Please consider monetary donations over well-intentioned material donations.
@lahaina_ohana_venmo on Instagram
Maui Strong - Hawaii Community Foundation